How to mod wow private cerver
How to mod wow private cerver

(entry, level, faction, health, mana, scale, npcflags, attacktime, mindamage, maxdamage, rangedattacktime, rangedmindamage, rangedmaxdamage, mountdisplayid, item1slotdisplay, item1info1, item1info2, item2slotdisplay, item2info1, item2info2, item3slotdisplay, item3info1, item3info2, respawntime, resistance0_armor, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, combat_reach, bounding_radius, auras, boss)

how to mod wow private cerver

(entry, creature_name, Subname, Flags1, type, Family, Rank, unk4, SpellDataID, displayid, unk2, unk3, Civilian, Leader) Ok to make a vendor I will have you use my Template here it is: select whatever file you want to ad then select Execute and the item should be in your Database, reload items or restart server for them to take effect. To add Custom Content If you are using HeidiSQL (Make sure MySQL is running) Open up heidi (if you havent set up a connection us THIS AS A GUIDE Once you have a connection Select your Connection go to Import then Load Sql-file.

#How to mod wow private cerver how to#

Alternatively you can use this text document if you know the Item ID and just want to know the Display IDĤ) Since I know you don't know how to script it yourself I wont be giving you my template for them you can go to there just fill out the information and select "Antrix Core" once you're done and download the SQL-Batch File.ĥ)To add the item to your Database If you are using NavicatSQL (Make sure MySql is running) Open up Navi and If you havent set up a connection use THIS AS A GUIDE (its for Heidi but connection input is the same) ok then once Navi is open click on your connection then Antrix then Tables now hit Query and then New Query Now you have a Query Window open hit Load then RUN reload items or restart server and the item will be in your Server repeat as many times as needed if you get an Error in SQL Syntax you did something wrong in the last steps go back and follow them exactly.

how to mod wow private cerver how to mod wow private cerver

30606 So to clarify things Thunderfury's Item ID is 19019 BUT its display ID is 30606 I dont want anyone confused about the difference between the two.

How to mod wow private cerver